So...I think I might have a new idea for a novel this year, or rather a sort of reworking of last year's idea. Another hard sci-fi idea, which might not be a good idea, but right now it's just a vague concept.
I want to see androids in space.
We have so many stories about humans and intergalactic travel and such, saving the planet and all that, occasionally with the aid of alien species and robots of sorts. But wouldn't it seem a little more logical if we launched beings with greater intelligence that needed no oxygen or resources of any kind besides some sort of power? Makes sense to me.
I think that this particular idea is original enough to be interesting to people. The main challenge will be in setting up characters, as most of the cast will be mechanized. Anybody have any comments?
Now the question is, will the androids have a Borg/Starro the Conqueror hivemind type of thing, or will they be independent AI sorts of things.
Or will each android be controlled by a different person who basically controls them by proxy from a cubical in Texas.
Sounds cool
Hmm...I like that last idea...
To be honest, I think it makes more sense both logically and economically that the androids be controlled by a massive super computer, a la H.A.L. 9000 that's programmed for them to follow certain objectives and restricted by laws reminiscent of I, Robot (See? I'm just stealing from other Sci-Fi all over the place.)
However, the idea that they're individually controlled is a fascinating idea...Though the whole 'greater intelligence' thing is nullified if they're being controlled by a human, yes? Much like a calculator. The calculator can only compute what's put into it, regardless of potential.
Either way, brilliant as always. I look forward to further info on this one...and I now have the sudden urge to re-read the Foundation series.
Oooh, I like it. If you need concept, lemme know.
Well they could be pre-programmed with particular objectives before being launched on the mission, and the main computer could be controlled by humans on Earth while the individual androids are basically on their own with nothing but their programming.
I was thinking that their goal might be to find an earthlike planet in another solar system and have to prepare it for colonization with plant life etc.
If anyone's ever seen/read Bicentennial Man, I was kinda thinking in the direction, where they each start to develop unique personalities of their own accord. I got a few months to work on this, so I'll work it out :D
Well, if we're going for the whole "greater intelligence" then they'd have to be created by something inhuman anyway, wouldn't they? Because even if they were AI, they'd be initially programmed by humans, and unless they learn over time and experience (which, as we know, is a terrible idea) and the human restrictions would still apply to them.
P.S. This is why we are awesome.
No, they wouldn't have "human restrictions" because they would learn over time in a different manner than humans would, with more logic shaping their decisions as opposed to intuition. Their world to them and their purpose for existing would be completely different. The only thing would be that they were given information by humans and programmed by them for this purpose.
One of the stories in I, Robot is about an android that's built to aid humans that eventually comes to believe that the supercomputer running the station must be it's true creator "God" because humans are far to imperfect to have made something like him, based purely on his "flawless" logic.
I want to kinda see (so to speak) what it would be like to give four androids the subtle ability to make their own choices, whether they know this or not, and how they would function and interact with each other. If that makes sense :P
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